December 29, 2023
Dear Client:
We are almost at the start of a new year! We have all faced challenging changes in tax laws, rising interest rates, and inflation this year. Congress may enact additional legislation in the upcoming year to include retroactive reinstatement of a few tax extenders that expired at the end of the 2023 tax year. Prospects of substantial changes in legislation seem to be slim during the remainder of the year.
We now offer an e-signature option that conforms with IRS requirements for electronically signing Form 8879 (IRS e-file Signature Authorization form) to enhance our customer service. You can receive your tax return electronically and also sign it electronically while saving a PDF copy.
We appreciate your trust in us to provide your tax and advisory services. Our professional staff trains throughout the year and has access to the very latest technology, and once again will be ready to provide you with the quality of service you desire and deserve. We appreciate your continued business with our firm.
We encourage you to visit our website at to access several important summary checklists of information that will help us properly prepare your tax returns, and to learn about legislative changes. Please read and complete these forms as accurately as possible. They should be completed and brought to us with your other tax information. Your help in providing us with complete information, including birth dates, current mailing address, current phone numbers, current email addresses, and information on any dependents is necessary and appreciated.
Our profession requires engagement letters for tax preparation. One will be sent with your tax return. Please sign and return it to us.
Please submit your information before March 20th to help avoid the need for an extension. If you are missing only an item or two, please send what you have when it is assembled, noting what is missing, and submit the missing information to us as soon as you receive it.
Most tax returns must be filed electronically; therefore, we must have you review a copy of your tax return and return the signed approval form (Form 8879) to our office before we can transmit the return to the IRS. Return the signed Form 8879 to our office promptly and before April 10, 2024. Please do not mail your tax return to the IR.S. unless you complete another form to "opt-out" of electronic filing.
We wish you a happy and prosperous new year!
Very truly yours,
Bunting, Tripp & Ingley, LLP
Certified Public Accountants